Horned Lizards

As Wiki says, Horned lizards are a genus (Phrynosoma) of lizards which are the type genus of the family Phrynosomatidae. The horned lizard is popularly called a "horned toad", "horny toad" or "horned frog", yet it is neither a toad nor a frog. One interesting about this one is that, Horned lizards use a wide variety of means to avoid predation....

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The Almiqui is also known as the Cuban Solenodon (as if you know what this means LOL). The solenodon is unusual among mammals in that its saliva is venomous. I dont really have any more to say about this creature. Lets look at their ugly mugs :P Just kidding. Ugly Animals - Almiqui ...

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Angora Rabbit

I am so sorry guys for not updating this blog quite sometime. Some of my readers may already know that I was busy with my exams. Now that the exams are all over, I am back to blogging :) Okay, so what we have today for your displeasure? Well... Well... Well.. it is Angora Rabbit Ugly Animals - Angora rabbit  ...

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Climbing Fish

As per ScienceDaily, a new species of fish from tropical South America is confirming suspected roots to the loricariid catfish family tree. Lithogenes wahari shares traits with two different families of fish: the bony armor that protects its head and tail, and a grasping pelvic fin that allows it to climb vertical surfaces. The discovery...

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This is definitely one fish that I would not want to catch with my fishing rod and you will see why in a few seconds. The weird and wonderful hagfish has managed to capture the interest of scientists since the 1700s but we still know very little about this animal. The hagfish was scientifically described in 1753 by one of the disciples of...

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Tasmanian Devil

Have you ever heard of this name before? NO? Well, you sure must have seen the Looney Tunes show - TAZ, is an animated cartoon character featured in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes series of cartoons. But hey, the real one is not all that cute as the animated ones. The Tasmanian Devil is the largest carnivorous (eats meat) marsupial (a mammal...

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Goblin Shark

Slow, silent, and slender, but not necessarily small - the goblin shark can be as long as a small car - about 12.6 feet (3.85 meters). Only a few goblin sharks have ever been found. Except for one small one 3.5 feet, the rest ranged from from 10 to 12.6 feet. The largest found weight 463 pounds (210kg) Though only less than 50  (according...

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