
Aye-Aye is one of the world's rarest and freaky looking primates. In case you are wondering what "primates" are:
Primates are animals order including lemurs and tarsiers and monkeys and apes and human beings
This ugly animal is considered as foretell of misfortune by the locals. The Malagasy people believe that Aye-Aye is witching and it will bring death to the village wherever it is found in. Due to this superstition, people tend to kill these Ugly Animals on their sight. It has five-fingered hands, flat nails, with a middle finger that is thrice the length of the others.

Would you call me weird if I say I think Aye Aye are cute? :P

Ugly Animals - Aye Aye


  1. I don't think they're ugly at all. I think they're CUTE.

    "Humans", on the other hand, can be some ugly ass creatures.

  2. it looks more like a hairless/ in process of hair loss opposum

  3. its not ugly its scary lookin X.X

  4. Actually, the last pic where the Aye Aye is eyeing us over the lid of a cup, would fall into the "cute" category...but as for the other shots, he be giving me da heebie jeebies!


  5. that is the cutest thing i have ever seen. i want one SO bad so i can shove it in people i dont like's faces!!! SOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!

  6. Its the cutest lil thing ever!! I want 1...or 2 lol

  7. I think it's really cute, why do you think they're ugly? there is no such thing as an ugly animal, they're all cute in their own right.

  8. I guess the post before me has never seen the Stone Fish LOL

  9. Lord of the Rings Gollum version of Monkey

  10. No I wouldn't say your weird for saying it's cute because it is. If they keep killing these things they will become extinct probably close already.
