
Some people think Blob Fish are comical looking and the others think they are disgusting. These Blog fishes are completely made up of gelatinous substance and have no muscles at all. They just drift and float in the same place all the time expecting their next meal. They do not put any effort in searching for their food. Aren't they just lazy asses?

This Blob fish are seen off the Australian coast and also in Tasmania but hey do not anticipate to see them on your holidays because they are very rare to come by.

Ugly Animals Blob Fish

A recent study says that
The blob fish, which can grow up to 12 inches, is in danger of being wiped out by over-fishing in its south eastern Australian habitat. The fish, which lives at depths of up to 800m, is rarely seen by humans but it lives at the same depths as other ocean organisms, such as crabs and lobsters and other edible sea creatures. As a result the fish, which is inedible, is being dragged up with other catches by trawler fishermen


  1. Drakozoon? Is that what this thing? just a slightly more evolved drakozoon?

  2. when i used to work on fishing boats we used to catch blob fish sometimes, and we found then good eating, with a texture like custard, although the secret is to marinate them a long time before cooking. bloody ugly little critters though!

  3. I thought stonefish were ugly! This beast takes the cake!

  4. Um.... Blobfish AREN'T edible, they r just made up of a gelatinous substance! And what happened to "don't judge a book by it's cover"? SAVE THE BLOBFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Looks like squidward leh...

  6. Looks pretty dam tasty to me! Blob fish next new sushi craze! lets hunt them all down and stick an apple in its mouth and call it dinner!

  7. Ahh, the magnificent blobfish, the most majestic of Mother Nature's creatures!! XD; Well, okay, not exactly. They look rather like Ziggy the comic strip star. ;D

  8. OK ever since I've seen this thing I thought it was awesome. This has almost human features and lives in depths that most things cannot survive. They need to make laws to protect it just as dolphins are protected being that they are killed the same way in nets. Creatures such as this could be the answer to being able to safely explore the deepest seas. I think it's beautiful and proves that survival can be accomplished anywhere.
