Oriental Yeti

Yeti are hairless creatures and are said to be found in the China's remote woodlands. There is no more information from me or the Science world to say about this animal. All I know and heard of is - this Yeti is transported to Beijing by the Scientists to carry out the DNA tests for learning and trying to understand what exactly this animal is!

Here are some pictures of Original Yeti for you:

Ugly Animal Original Yeti

Apart from saying this looks as ugly as hell, I really feel pity towards this creature. I don't know why but I just do!


  1. I wouldn't want to be tested on by the chinese either

  2. It looks like the suspected chupacabra of south Texas. It is theorized to be an unclassified ferrel canine.

  3. It looks like a dog with a severe case of mange.

  4. Really doesn't look canine, the body shape is completely wrong for a dog and I have never seen a dog with ears that round. There are some oriental yetis that are blatantly bears. This makes me think of a genet or something similar, its almost fossa like.

  5. I think its adorable!

  6. The head reminds me of African Wild Dogs. Only the ears don't look big enough. I also think it looks like mange, but could actually be hairless or nearly so.

  7. who knows we will probably continue to find new species

  8. I feel pity also..I want to name it a Kangajackle.

  9. It looks like a poor creature with mange. It you ever see a bald raccoon, they look nothing like the fur-covered ones. Could be anything - a raccoon dog, civet, binturong or any of the small wild cats. A DNA test would discover the species.
