Vampire Bats

The vampire bat is one of the ugliest and most feared animals in the Western Hemisphere. This repulsive-looking creature has huge ears and a wrinkled-up nose that sits atop large fang-like teeth. And if its looks weren't bad enough, this animal also has the nasty penchant for mammal blood. At night these bats emerge from their caves to search...

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Damselfly Not many of us will find this insect ugly... the reason being its vibrant blue color. Yes, I agree! It sure does have a very brilliant color but what is the use? Check out its head's close up and you will realize why this Damselfly featured here in the Ugly Animals blog. Damselflies and dragonflies were flying 300 million years...

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Lymantrid Moth AKA Nosema

The Lymantrid moth (Calliteara pudibunda) is widespread in Danish beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests. The species has one generation in Denmark, with the dull grey moth flying during June. Each female can lay 300-400 eggs which she normally does very near the place where she emerged from the pupae. The small caterpillar is very hairy and can...

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Puffer Fish

Before even I start saying something about this, let me make this straight and clear - "I LOVE Puffer Fishes. I personally think they are cute." However, one of my fellow readers wanted me to publish Puffer Fish in our "Ugly Animals" blog. So, this post is dedicated to that reader. Hope this makes you happy :-) Puffer Fish are the second...

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Dealth Stalker Scorpion

Fortunately, while a sting from this scorpion is extremely painful, it would be unlikely to kill a healthy, adult human. Young children, the old, or infirm (with a heart condition) are at the biggest risk. Death stalker scorpions are spread in North Africa and Middle East. Death Stalker Scorpions (Leiurus quinquestriatus) can cause a highly...

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Lots of people really don’t like creepy, crawly things but they can be pretty groovy. Look at them up close and you'll discover where movie directors get some of their ideas for weird creatures! Weta are large by insect standards. Some of the giant weta are enormous and are amongst the heaviest insects in the world. The weta is only found...

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The Fangtooth

Very small in size and harmless to humans, the fangtooth is unapproachable due to his looks. It’s a good thing people can’t run into them very often while swimming, because they live at depths between 200m-2,000m, the Fangtooth is considered one of the deepest-living fish, at depths of up to 5,000m. The Fangtooth’s front teeth are so large...

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Basking Shark

After the Whale shark, the Basking shark is the largest fish on the planet. It can be found in practically every ocean but like all the other species of shark it faces extinction due to excessive fishing. This particular shark resembles a great white to the point when it opens his huge mouth. Then it is just a bit freaky, like a bone-tube...

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Savannah Monitors

These Savannah Monitors are Old World lizards are of the Varanidae family. Their Latin name, Varanus, comes from the Arabic word, waran. Waran, in turn, stems from the superstitious belief that Nile Monitors could warn of the presence of crocodiles. Kind of like how Bilbo's Sting could warn of the presence of Orcs. These buggers grow up...

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