Stone Fish

A stone fish. they are absolutely hideous ((cringe)), are poisonous, and can be deadly!
About 20 species of stone fish occur in the Indo-Pacific. Wounds from a stone fish can kill any human unlucky enough to tread on the spines. This species is typical of its family, with its rough, scaleless body, large, upward-turning head and protuberant eyes. As its name suggests, the stone fish's coloring and shape camouflage it perfectly as it lies half-buried among stones or in rock crevices.

Do you know that Stone fish is considered to be the most venomous fish in the world, with its venom consisting of proteins. When a stone fish bites a person, its venom can be partially denatured by the application of a very hot compress on the site of injury. Stone fish, usually, release their toxin when in danger. They have 13 spines on their back that inject the toxin when pressure is placed on them. For instance, when a larger fish attacks or a person steps on stone fish, the pressure leads to release of the venom.

Enough with details now let us look at this sucker Lol


  1. eewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Fantastic Animal!

    Thanks for your blog, i have a lot of fun with it!

  3. Out of everything you've got listed here, this guy has my vote for ugliest! I mean he beats Bat Bot hands down! Looking like an angry crusty head staring up from the abyss....creeptastic! I love your blog, I felt cringingly entertained, while I felt like I learned something too! Kudos!

  4. it is also one of the Top 10 Most Poisonous animals of the world!

  5. Imagine putting this in your underwear for a day.

  6. I would say ugly but the scary part is they camouflage themselves on the bottom in reef areas. People step on them and presto your poisoned. Same concept as the arrow poison frog with poison glands in the skin

    thanks Don

  7. I actually have a stonefish (synanceia horrida) in my brackish aquarium and let me tell you, it's an awesome fish! Granted, I rarely see him move, but whenever a feeder fish swims by he sucks it right down in a split second then waits for more.
