
Mandrills are the largest of all monkeys. They are shy and reclusive primates that live only in the rain forests of equatorial Africa.

Mandrills live in troops, which are headed by a dominant male and include a dozen or more females and young. They also gather in multi-male or multi-female groups that can include some 200 individuals. I could recollect reading on one of the other blogs that, "for that one male amongst his pride of such huge number of females...I guess he earned the name "man-drill". That is so true, Don't you think?

Though I personally feel these are not as bad as the Ugly Bald Uakaris, these colors make them look strange and weird.

Like all monkeys, mandrills communicate through scent marking, vocalizations, and body language. Sometimes mandrills shake their heads and "grin" widely to show their enormous canine teeth, which can be over 2 inches (5 centimeters) long. This may appear scary to us, but it’s usually a friendly gesture within the mandrill community.

Ugly Animals - Mandrill


  1. Hi

    Your blog is great too! How many ugly animals to allow one post every day!

    And, by the way, what a strange hobby... :)


  2. Mandrils are not ugly

  3. I second the fact that mandrills are nit ugly. I am fond of primates and they have very distinct unique features; but not ugly.

  4. I wouldn't say ugly, more like freaky!

  5. The only thing ugly here is your soul.

  6. mandrills are not ugly! They are beautiful. Just look at the colours!

  7. choice of selection in their evolution is different from all other primates including human,and because they get the colorful stipes ,they are absolutely brilliant,and exceptional,

  8. This animal is quite familiar to me so I would not call it ugly. I guess ugliness will depend on your eyes - if you're used to seeing it or not.

  9. No animals are ugly they are truly magnificent in their own very special way they all have a reason to be here and I am one to never question God why he does things all I is with out them the population would be very unbalance more was then one so remember this the next one that say animals are ugly remember God had made them just as he made us all different and each and every one of us has a few fault that the next person may not like about them but in God eyes we are all perfect animals and humans thanks for reading this God Bless You All
