Leafy Sea Dragon

I would not call this one as an Ugly Animal but a Weird one. Yeah, until now I have never come across any sea creatures as weird as this one. Nature surprises me every time when I find something new and strange like this :-) Named after the dragons of Chinese mythology, Leafy sea dragons (Phycodurus eques) resemble a piece of drifting seaweed...

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Horseshoe Bat

As per Wiki, Horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae) are a family of bats. In addition to the single living genus, Rhinolophus, there is one extinct genus, Palaeonycteris. The closely related Hipposideridae are sometimes included within the horseshoe bats as a subfamily, Hipposiderinae. Both families are classified in the suborder Yinpterochiroptera...

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Sphynx Cats

How’d you like to wake up in the middle of the night, during a thunderstorm, and find THIS staring at you from 6 inches away? Sphynx Cats or “Canadian Hairless” if that makes them somewhat less creepy sounding, are a recognized breed of cat with little or no coat. Oddly, the skin of Sphynx Cats is pigmented in the same pattern as the cat...

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Stargazer Fish

As per WikiPedia, The stargazers are a family Uranoscopidae of perciform fish that have eyes on top of their heads (hence the name). The family includes about 50 species in 8 genera, all marine and found worldwide in shallow waters.Stargazers are venomous; they have two large poison spines situated behind the opercle and above the pectoral...

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Friends, I know I have not been active lately on my blog but I had some personal to sort out. I hope you did not get bored without me writing about new ugly animals every day or Did you? :) Well, today I got a really strange, weird and ugly fish called as the Viper Fish. I myself am a pure vegetarian but if I ever develop a taste for fishes...

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