Sphynx Cats

How’d you like to wake up in the middle of the night, during a thunderstorm, and find THIS staring at you from 6 inches away? Sphynx Cats or “Canadian Hairless” if that makes them somewhat less creepy sounding, are a recognized breed of cat with little or no coat. Oddly, the skin of Sphynx Cats is pigmented in the same pattern as the cat would display if normally furred. Sphynx cats have wedge-shaped, Yoda-like heads with large ears and heavyset bodies. Can’t believe it? That is why you fail. Lol

The Canadian Sphynx is recognized by cat fancy associations as being a healthy robust breed. Lack of hair can cause health issues with kittens in the first weeks of life due to susceptibility to respiratory infections. Reputable breeders will not let their kittens go to new homes without being at least 12 weeks of age to ensure the kitten is mature enough to cope in a new environment. Due to their lack of protective fur, skin cancer may be a problem if exposed to sunlight for long durations of time.

The breed does have instances of the genetic disorder hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Studies are being undertaken to understand the links in breeding and the disorder.[9]

Sphynx cats can catch common feline diseases and should be immunized in the same way as other breeds.

Ugly Animals - Sphynx Cats


  1. you think these cats are UGLY? that's ridiculous.

  2. The only ugly one there is the poor creature with the huge tattoo. Then again, we could probably argue his owner is the ugly one.

  3. wait whut? these sweethearts are so cute! doesnt deserve to be here. :(

  4. These cats are actually quite beautiful.

  5. You must be so ugly in and out to think and write such horrible things! You are a monster!

  6. None of these animals on this site are ugly, why do you write such nonsense, in fact, from your picture, you are ugly!

  7. There is a phrase that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Two people can see the same thing quite differently. Neither is wrong, because a personal opinion cannot be wrong. Resorting to name calling tells me that you have a lot of growing up to do.

  8. you are heartless to think that these beautiufl cats are ugly! and you know what?! they aren't the ugly ones, you are

  9. They are in fact Beautiful Animals, in side and out. They are known for thier affection, also have personality traits of Cat,Monkey,Dog,Human..! Thats very impressive in my oppinion. Taken Back at first glance,Yes! Ugly most Definately Not!..

  10. Waaa so creepy. I know someone at the Housewives show has one of these. She likes the cat but for me, it is too creepy for my taste.

  11. "How’d you like to wake up in the middle of the night, during a thunderstorm, and find THIS staring at you from 6 inches away?"

    This was uncalled for...the sentence made me feel pretty hurt for the little cats.

    I would be honored to have a Sphynx for a pet. I don't understand how it's ugly. It's still an animal that needs love and affection.
