
These common algae eaters are known for their unique, suction-cup-shaped mouth.  Aquarium experts will recommend them to any fish-keeper with an algae problem in their tank.  The way they attach themselves to glass and rock never ceases to amaze.

Pleco is the common name for Catfish species in the Family Loricariidae. The name Pleco is derived from the Latin name of one of the species in this family, the Hypostomus plecostomus, and is today widely used even for the other species in this family. The Family Loricariidae is also known as the Armored Catfish family, since the fish in this family display longitudinal rows of scutes over the upper parts of the head and body, and this pattern is somewhat similar to an old armor.

Plecos are very popular aquarium fish, even for beginners. They can help keeping unwanted algae growth under control in the aquarium, since algae and plant material are their staple foods in the wild. If you want to read more about how to care for your Plecos we suggest that you read some of the featured articles below.

Ugly Animals - Plecos


  1. Pleco's are not ugly.

  2. I have got some fishes that i want to give away, does any1 know some1 who myt be interested in keeping them ?

  3. I love my pleco i think they are lush

  4. we have 2 pleco in our tank , we love then ,they are called posh and becks .....

  5. cool site post some of them up on

  6. pic 5 is not a pleco, but rather an adult Bristlenose catfish...

    But then again, I reckon they deserve to be on this blog more then the plecos! =)

  7. The Bristlenose IS a plecostomus... Genus of Ancistrus

  8. UGLY animals?!? I happen to think that Plecos are among the most magnificent, beautiful, handsome (or shall I say finsome?) creatures I've ever observed...or owned/befriended! I ADORE them!! 8-D

  9. Also, gotta correct the last comment, which attempted to be a correction itself...but is wrong. The fifth one is a Bristle-nose pleco, of course.

  10. Plecos are adorable!!

  11. You are one of the dumbest girls I've ever have seen. Your view of "ugly animals" is so askew it's horrific.
    Maybe you should get your eyes checked.

  12. What is the matter with the comments here? This is just someone's hobby! "Ugly" is obviously a subjective term people! She's shining a spotlight on some interesting animals and poking a little fun as she does it. Lighten up!

  13. "She's shining a spotlight on some interesting animals and poking a little fun as she does it. Lighten up!"

    ^ Which is awesome, and could be done without insulting them, seein' as how the vast majority of the selected animals are almost as far from "ugly" as possible (in the opinions of many)--but yeah, it's obviously all in good fun, and educational to boot. I know that no offense is meant to the animals or people who love them. And I guess a lot of people would classify some of the critters profiled on here as being in the "so ugly they're cute/pretty" category.

  14. Baby plecos are soooo cute! Plecos are certainly NOT ugly!

  15. Looks creepy when held. It is like a black stone with spikes.

  16. Do plecos ever eat smaller fish? My guppies are disappeaing and my pleco is GROWING very fast.......
