Solifugae AKA Scorpion Spider

Well, I had to post this one because one of my blog visitors commented about this. Spiders are already creepy in nature. They are venomous too. Here is one kind known as camel spiders, wind scorpions and sun spiders or solifuges.

They may grow to a length of 300 mm (12 in) including legs, and have a body comprising an opisthosoma (abdomen) and a prosoma (head) with conspicuously large chelicerae, which are also used for stridulation. Most species live in deserts and feed opportunistically on ground-dwelling arthropods and other animals. A number of urban legends exaggerate the size and speed of Solifugae, and their potential danger to humans.

Ugly Animals -  Solifugae AKA Scorpion Spider


  1. I think the only pics in this post that are actual solifugaes are the first two photos. The third and fifth are tailless whip scorpions, can't tell what kind of spider the fourth and sixth are.

  2. I am from the caribbean and i grew up seeing and killing scorpion spiders and what i have been killing are in the 3rd and 5th Pictures hope they remain in that order, the ones with the very long antlers Shaped like legs and positioned between the legs and the claw/pincers

  3. Gross! I'd rather see a black widow than that!

  4. i now got bit frm d one in d 3rd pic

  5. Waa creepy. I can feel the hair in my spine stand out just from the mere sight of this. Quite gross if you ask me. This is one of your posts where I agree that it is ugly.
