Bouvier Des Flandres

These are the dogs that look like Gremlin. I'm actually a little afraid of it.

This dog is a herding dog breed and it originates from Flanders. These are basically used for farms works including sheep herding, cattle droving, and cart pulling.

The name Bouvier des Flandres is French. It means "Cow Herder of Flanders" literally. Toucheur de Boeuf (cattle driver) and Vuilbaard (dirty beard) are the other names for this breed.

Ugly Animals - Bouvier Des Flandres


  1. I agree. They are amazing dogs. I guess you don't know much about the breed. Gorgeous.

  2. Oh my gosh, i love them, own them and think they are gorgeous. Please don't put them in your ugly animal collection. It feels insulting to a noble and loving and gorgeous breed.

  3. The Bouvier is a marvelous, handsome, brilliant dog. Not ugly in the least. O.o ;)

  4. Bouviers are hideous and have horrible personalities. My boyfriends moms bouvier won't even cuddle... or listen. Just a trophy for rich snobs.

  5. I think its funny that people agree that what you post is ugly...until they're dogs. Then everyone gets all defensive
