
I personally find it a bit off-putting when my dog looks like a household cleaning tool. Just soak him in some Pine-Sol and slide him around, you'll have a shiny floor in no time!

Komondor are also called as Mop Dogs (seriously!). These are large white-colored Hungarian breeds of livestock guardian dog with a long, corded coat.

One bad thing with this dog is that once a Komondor gets away with unfriendly or hostile behavior, it will always think such behavior is appropriate. Hence, regular rectifications even with a very young puppy are essential to ensure a well-balanced adult.

Ugly Animals - Komondor


  1. third one is like noodles being tossed up in the pan.........or a dreadlock wig flying off someone's head.

  2. They are very good guard dogs however.

  3. These dogs look great. At least they don't look like Swiffers.

  4. Totally disagree with this dog being called ugly. When properly groomed they are gorgeous. I have also seen them shaved.

  5. Not ugly at all. These dogs are beautiful, very unique looking. If their look doesn't catch your eye, their character will melt your heart!

  6. Komondorok are COOL!! Pulik, too (a smaller, usually black version of the corded herding dog. And check out the Bergamasco as well!!) Sure, they look like giant Rastafarian mops or dogs made of noodles...but what's not to love about that?! And if you were to shave them down instead of letting the coat cord, they look really nice, too.

  7. Komondor are gorgeous, only a bitch would call this majestic creature ugly.
